Keyword search: Letters
Looking at the year ahead in South County, a Recorder article on Dec. 31 pointed out that "much like the weather, the plans for at least two of those towns have changed following July's torrential rainstorms, as Deerfield and Conway are looking toward...
In the Jan. 6 Recorder there are two letters side by side. I vote for the one by Karl Meyer! The other refers to the “stop Trump at all cost” movement being “fueled by hate.” Ummm ... it seems to me that reality shows what’s fueled by hate is actually...
State must shed influence of fossil fuel industryLet’s not bury the lede in this story “Public slow to warm to heat pumps, ” [Recorder, Athol Daily News, Jan. 8]. The headline might prompt skimming readers to think there could be something wrong with...
On Monday, Jan. 1, Montague Parks & Recreation held their Annual Sawmill River 10K Run in Montague Center. Approximately 108 runners from throughout the entire region participated in this major fundraising event that supports our Sponsor-A-Child...
Daniel Brown’s My Turn “Why are feminists silent about Oct. 7?” [Recorder, Jan. 4] accuses feminist activists, including those who stand for peace on the Greenfield Common and publish editorials in the Recorder, for not speaking out against the...
The second special election vote in Deerfield scheduled for Jan. 16 seeking approval to borrow up to $5 million through debt exclusion has caused these comments. The first vote on Dec. 5 did not approve the borrowing request. Not pleased with the...
The analysis of some of the glitches Massachusetts is currently encountering in our drive to cut greenhouse gas emissions by switching to heat pumps illustrates the complexities of installing a new home heating and air conditioning system (“Public...
As far away as it seems, the summer sun will be here before we know it, and so will an incredible opportunity to make a difference in a child’s life. The Fresh Air Fund, an esteemed nonprofit organization founded in 1877, provides this opportunity by...
Until I’d read Sara Schley’s Jan. 2 column in the Recorder, “Planting Dates,” nothing I’d previously read or heard about the horrendous, ongoing Israel/Hamas all-out war in Gaza gave me any real hope of a possible near-term — or even longer-term — end...
I would like to thank the South Deerfield Senior Center for the delicious Christmas dinner Chet Sokolosky delivered to me and my wife. My Christmas birthday was so much better when people like these step up. To everyone who cooked or packaged these...
With a new city government team newly inaugurated, hope is in the air so it seemed a good time to check out the city’s opportunities for us to get involved. A quick look at the website showed an impressive list of openings for...
In 1933, in his first inaugural address, Franklin Delano Roosevelt asserted, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself …” Fear can paralyze and radicalize. George Creel and Edward Bernays used the Committee on Public Information to prove this...
Al Norman’s Jan. 2 column “Medicare Advantage, and disadvantages” focused on an issue that other local activists, including Valley Action and allied Indivisible groups in New York, have been hard at work on for nearly a year. Thanks to his...
In response to Daniel Brown’s column, “Why are feminists silent about Oct.7?” Recorder, Jan. 4, the writer’s generalized accusation that feminists are committing violence against the Israeli women brutalized on Oct. 7 (or at the very least, that women...
“We the People.” Those words have defined ourselves, our collective rights and freedoms since the Constitution was signed in 1789. Though its source is unclear, I’ve always believed, “With great freedom comes great responsibility.” As the 2024...
I feel like we are living in increasing dangerous times. The “stop Trump at all cost” movement, fueled by hate, continues to escalate its attacks on the former president.We are now being told, around the clock, that Trump is a Hitler. The same man...
Thank you Jim Johnson for the column on fall prevention [“Don’t fall,” Recorder, Jan. 2]. It was good to see it included in the sports section, a place where sports fans and many readers of all ages scan the headings. The tips to strengthen the legs...
I want to give a "well done" to retired Marine MSGT Jeffery Cochran who works at the VA office there in Greenfield. My brother’s veterans grave marker had an error on it that needed to be corrected. I live in North Carolina and submitted the corrected...
It’s so typical of the Recorder to print a pro-abortion My Turn on the first day of the new year. Couldn’t you have at least waited until Jan. 2?Danielle MillerDeerfield
I’d like to address a couple projects that deserve some recognition. Kudos to MassDOT District 2 for its hard work and long hours excavating and pouring new sidewalks along Sugarloaf Street back in the Spring. With a short time frame and many bad...
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