Louise Amyot: Time to get involved

Lum3n/via Pexels
Published: 01-07-2024 12:38 PM |
With a new city government team newly inaugurated, hope is in the air so it seemed a good time to check out the city’s opportunities for us to get involved. A quick look at the greenfield-ma.gov website showed an impressive list of openings for residents who would like to be part of a new direction.
From the Board of Health, Commission on Disability Access, Community Preservation Commission, Council on Aging all the way to the Zoning Board of Appeals, openings exist. Just below this list are the detailed instructions on how to apply. Once the names of interested parties are in place, assignment decisions are made by the mayor and approved, or not, by the City Council.
Here is every citizen’s chance to get involved and help shape the future of our city. For more questions about the application process, call 413-772-1560. Let’s do this!
Louise Amyot, Greening Greenfield
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