Peggy Warwick: Column on falls sent important message
Published: 01-03-2024 4:20 PM |
Thank you Jim Johnson for the column on fall prevention [“Don’t fall,” Recorder, Jan. 2]. It was good to see it included in the sports section, a place where sports fans and many readers of all ages scan the headings. The tips to strengthen the legs and work on balance are reminders we need at all ages, especially when we are older.
As a health provider of all age groups, I’ve seen patients with many injuries that are lengthy in healing, if not eventually fatal.
A couple of things to note are that head injuries can be a serious consequence of falls, and many prescription medicine side effects, as well as alcohol and recreational drugs, can lead to increased risks of falls.
Stay safe in the new year!
Peggy Warwick, nurse practioner
Shelburne Falls