Linda Clark: No to the school budget

Lum3n/via Pexels
Published: 03-18-2025 3:44 PM |
Once again the schools are looking for more money. Let me remind the public (taxpayers) that the 2024-25 school budget was handed to them. They created six new principal positions to the tune of $600,000 and purchased two new transportation vehicles, while paying the church over $20,000 each school year to park in their lot.
Then when the school year began, they hired three more teachers. The only difference was approximately 36 additional students enrolled from the previous school year. This took place while the schools claimed they didn’t have enough money to pay teachers.
Now for the 2025-26 school year budget, they want more money and want to create an additional seven new positions. The school system has approximately 300 fewer students enrolled than the 2019 school year. So how is it that every year is a request for more money and wanting to add more positions?
Then comes the talk of students leaving the Greenfield school system, which begs the question as to why. Why not take all your administrators and assistants to the assistants and brainstorm with the parents and students, to perhaps learn why they choose to leave? I urge the Greenfield City Council to vote “no” to the proposed 2025-26 Greenfield school budget.
Linda Clark