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Keyword search: Warwick Fire Department

Warwick voters approve new fire engine by 79-73 vote
05-21-2024 3:15 PM


WARWICK — An effort to replace a 35-year-old fire engine that has been carried by several of the town’s fire chiefs has finally borne fruit.By just six votes, residents at Monday’s town election approved a ballot question for a $480,000 Proposition 2½...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

Warwick Fire Station construction nearing completion
08-18-2023 5:55 PM


WARWICK — Construction continues on the Fire Station on Orange Road, with plumbing, insulation, and energy-efficient electricity and heating on the horizon.Janice and Steve Kurkoski, who both serve on the Buildings and Energy Committee, updated the...

Petition for Warwick Fire Station on Town Meeting warrant
04-27-2023 7:02 PM


WARWICK — A quarrel about the new Fire Station’s condition has made its way onto the Annual Town Meeting warrant, in the form of a citizen’s petition article asking voters for a $250,000 upgrade.Resident and former volunteer firefighter William Lyman...

No injuries after truck falls through thin ice in Warwick
01-02-2023 1:54 PM


WARWICK — The Warwick Fire Department and the Rose Ledge towing company removed a pickup truck that fell through thin ice at Sheomet Lake on Sunday. The driver walked away uninjured.Fire Chief Joe Larson said his department was dispatched to the lake,...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

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