My Turn: Getting up to speed with Governor’s Council


Published: 06-21-2023 5:50 PM

It has been a busy spring, and I would like to take an opportunity to provide an update on all the work I have been doing across western Massachusetts, as well as in Boston.

The Governor’s Council’s official schedule has only recently begun to take shape, as the new administration has been gearing up to send nominees forward to us. So, I have taken advantage of this opportunity to pack my calendar with activities that will help me do this coming work to the best of my ability. I’ve also been able to connect with communities across my district, to listen and learn directly from those impacted by our judicial system, as well as those who are actively working for equal justice.

What’s been going on in the State House: The Governor’s Council has been meeting every three weeks in Governor’s Council Chambers. The agenda for each of these meetings has been to vote on the warrants from the treasury, and to confirm our new notaries public and justices of the peace. I have fulfilled my constitutional role by accompanying the governor at a number of our state legislators’ inauguration ceremonies.

The Judicial Nominating Commission, which is responsible for the initial vetting of applications for judicial and clerk magistrate postings, has been recruited and is now reviewing the first batch of applicants. We anticipate starting to see nominees for these positions by late summer or early fall.

We will hold our first hearing under the Healey administration on June 21, for a nominee for reappointment to the Parole Board, Dr. Charlene Bonner.

Gov. Healey has sent a packet of seven pardon applications to the council and that will be a focus of several coming meetings. I heartily support the governor’s choice to immediately activate a key component of our justice system.

And my work across District 8 here in western Massachusetts: It was an enormous pleasure to bring an engaged group of eighth to 12th grade students from Drury High School in my hometown of North Adams to the State House. We started with a tour of the John Adams Courthouse to learn about the Supreme Judicial Court, where we were honored by a visit from Chief Justice Kimberly Budd.

I co-sponsored lunch with Sen. Paul Mark, who then gave a private tour of the Senate chambers. We then moved to the governor’s suite to hold a mock Governor’s Council hearing with our volunteer judicial nominee, Chief Justice John Casey of Probate and Family Court. Then we finished the day with a tour of the State House.

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It was a day focused on both civics in action and the many career paths across the three branches of government. I hope to be able to offer similar experiences to school districts and youth groups across the district.

I have had informative meetings with our local sheriffs, and toured the correctional facilities in Hampden, Franklin and Hampshire counties. I’m making progress toward my goal of observing each court, including specialty courts, in each courthouse across District 8. I’ve been meeting with judges, clerk magistrates, assistant clerks, and courthouse staff; observing courtroom proceedings, and touring facilities.

It has been a privilege to visit and observe the Family Drug Court in Franklin County, as well as a graduation ceremony of Drug Court in Hampden County.

I’ve also had the honor to attend several unveiling ceremonies of judicial portraits. I have attended some wonderful events hosted by our district’s Bar Associations, including the Hampden County Bar Judicial Dinner and the Berkshire Bar Annual Meeting. I have joined community discussions about matters relating to access to justice, gun safety, racial justice and data collection at the trial court level.

It is a great pleasure serving western Mass. in this role, and I look forward to sharing future updates in an effort to serve with transparency and accountability.

Councilor Tara Jacobs represents District 8 on the Governor’s Council. She lives in North Adams.
