David Gilbert Keith: Column made erroneous assumptions

Lum3n/via Pexels Lum3n/via Pexels
Published: 12-27-2023 3:54 PM |
My recent column “Agreeing on democracy,” [Recorder, Dec. 14] contained an error and a bad assumption: First, though founded by people who like to ride, “Rolling Thunder®, Inc.” is not a motorcycle club but instead a non-partisan national organization to “seek accountability for all POW/MIAs from past wars and to promote the needs of veterans,” as its website says. While motorcycles have boosted their visibility and led their demonstrations, most members are not riders.
Second, I wrote that “it seems possible that many of its members support Donald Trump.” Jeff Neipp, president of the regional chapter, assures me that most local members, including those who participated in the Pearl Harbor remembrance highlighted in the Recorder, do not support Trump. I thank Mr. Neipp for taking the time to correct me. In this case, I am really happy my assumption was wrong.
David Gilbert Keith
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