With Town Meeting approval, Union 28 bus contract signed

School buses parked at F.M. Kuzmeskus Inc. in Gill on a snowy day. Following a series of Special Town Meetings, all contracts have been signed to ensure F.M. Kuzmeskus provides transportation services to Erving School Union 28 for another five years. STAFF FILE PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ
Published: 02-07-2024 4:33 PM |
Following a series of Special Town Meetings, all contracts have been signed to ensure F.M. Kuzmeskus provides transportation services to Erving School Union 28 for another five years.
Caitlin Sheridan, director of finance and operations at Erving School Union 28, said previously that the F.M. Kuzmeskus bid was the only one received. She said New Salem and Wendell will each have two buses transporting students to and from Swift River School, which is in New Salem. Each of the two towns will contribute $173,376.
Sheridan said this bid is higher than the previous contract, also with F.M. Kuzmeskus, due mostly to increased fuel costs and a nationwide bus driver shortage. The increase is 11.9% for the first year and then it fluctuates for the following four.
She said she is relieved to have all contracts signed.
“Every five years, the process is strenuous,” she said. “It’s nice to be at the end of this, for another five years.”
In New Salem, the transportation contract was one of four articles on the Feb. 1 Special Town Meeting warrant. The second article pertained to a $57 Board of Health bill from a prior year while the remaining two had to do with unpaid Highway Department bills — one for $1,697.16 and one for $669.96. All four articles were adopted by voters.
In Wendell, the bus contract was the sole topic that needed voter approval at the Jan. 31 Special Town Meeting.
Sheridan said she was pleased a one-article warrant brought out 25 people to vote.
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“We’re really grateful for the turnout from the towns,” she said.
In Erving, the bus contract was adopted with a unanimous vote as the final article on a nine-article warrant on Jan. 31. The contract will cost Erving $260,064.
Townspeople approved all but one of the eight other articles, rejecting the proposed increase in compensation for elected officials. Town Administrator Bryan Smith said voters unanimously adopted an amendment fixing a mathematical error but shot down the amended article. The 45-24 vote failed to meet the required two-thirds majority. Smith explained this article’s defeat means the compensation adopted at the Annual Town Meeting in May 2023 remains in effect.
The warrant’s second article had to do with taking by eminent domain 4,749 square feet of Maple Avenue land owned by resident Renata Pienkawa. Smith previously said the impending acquisition should more properly be called a “friendly taking,” because the town has Pienkawa’s support and cooperation.
Smith explained Pienkawa offered to donate the land to correct a frontage issue on Maple Avenue. The warrant states the land was deeded to her on July 13, 1993.
Reach Domenic Poli at: dpoli@recorder.com or
413-930-4120 .