South County Notebook: Dec. 13, 2024
Published: 12-12-2024 4:21 PM |
WHATELY — The Whately Congregational Church’s annual living nativity scene returns this weekend with live animals included.
The annual Christmas event began in the mid-1990s and brings the birth of Jesus to life with live character performances and a live animal cast. The event will be held at the church, 177 Chestnut Plain Road, on Sunday, Dec. 15, at 2 p.m. Following the performance, refreshments will be served inside.
On Dec. 24, the church will welcome folks for a candlelight service with Bible readings and carols.
WHATELY — Quonquont Farm’s first-ever holiday shop is open for one more weekend, with folks invited to shop on Saturday, Dec. 14, and Sunday, Dec. 15, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The store features handmade wreaths and greenery, dried floral arrangements, locally made gifts, pies, candies, fresh fruits, vegetables and Quonquont’s apple cider.
“We’ve been working feverishly to transform our season farmstand into a festive holiday shop,” Quonquont Farm Director of Operations Jenelle Wilkins said in a statement. “We can’t wait to share it with our community.”
Items from local partners include artwork by Whately painter Jo-Ann Denehy, pies and treats from Sweet Lucy’s Bakeshop in Bernardston, and cider doughnuts from North Hadley Sugar Shack.
DEERFIELD — The Bement School is working on an all-school production of “Grace’s Acorn,” a play written by past faculty member Amy Gordon that focuses on the school’s history and its founder, Grace Bement.
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Every student has a role in the play, which is not open to the public. They highlight the century of history at the school, dating back to 1925.
Each year, The Bement School holds a mini-term in December to focus the whole school around one central theme. This year’s theme is Bement’s history and students have been learning to waltz, play pick-up sticks and sing folk songs while also gaining an understanding of the legacy of Bement. Past mini-term themes have included space, architecture, the ocean, food and diversity.
“I think Grace would have adored the play, as it centers students in a celebration of her school’s history and demands their full effort and attention,” Head of School Mike Schloat said in a statement. “It is hard to imagine a more fitting way to begin honoring Bement’s first century.”
LEVERETT — The Village of Light Ashram is sponsoring a series of monthly talks by GurujiMa, followed by discussions, in an effort to create an evolutionary perspective regarding what this country and the entire Earth is going through at this time.
Many people are suffering today due to a lack of understanding of why things are the way they are, and how to feel safe in a time of uncertainty. GurujiMa’s talks are meant to address that uncertainty and to provide an alternative to the fear that is widespread.
“What is happening now has not happened before in the Earth’s history. Increased spiritual light within physical matter is creating purification at a global level, revealing all that has been concealed of darkness within the Earth and within the human psyche,” the event announcement reads. “This great releasing shall lead to a time of light and a new beginning for this country and for the Earth.”
New Earth Briefings take place online and in person on the second Saturday of each month from 9 to 10 a.m. at the Village of Light Ashram, 83 Shutesbury Road in Leverett.