North Quabbin Notebook: Jan. 2, 2024

The Orange Community Boathouse at Riverfront Park.

The Orange Community Boathouse at Riverfront Park. STAFF FILE PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ

Published: 01-01-2024 5:05 PM

Series of genealogy workshops starts Jan. 11

NEW SALEM — Genealogy workshops for beginners are set for the New Salem Public Salem Library on Jan. 11, Feb. 8, March 14 and April 11, all starting at 4 p.m.

The workshops will be led by Philip Johnson, a genealogist for the Pomeroy Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution and the assistant state genealogist for the Massachusetts chapter. Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop or tablet. It is best, but not required, to attend each session.

Space is limited. To register, call 978-544-6334 or email

New Salem Public Library to hold card workshop

NEW SALEM — A greeting card workshop is slated for the New Salem Public Library at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 16.

Registration is required and can be completed by calling 978-544-6334 or by emailing People can also stop by the library at 23 South Main St.

Wendell Senior Center needs more cribbage players

WENDELL — The Wendell Senior Center is looking for at least three more participants for its Village Neighbors-sponsored cribbage games, which have reportedly had uneven attendance.

People who sign up by emailing will receive a notification. Cribbage games are scheduled for 2:30 p.m. on Jan. 8, Feb. 5, March 4 and April 1.

Call 413-345-6894 if you need a ride to the Senior Center.

Wendell library to hold ‘Tiny Art Show’

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WENDELL — Art canvases and kits will be available starting Jan. 2 for the Wendell Free Library’s Tiny Art Show.

This is an event for patrons of all ages to show off their art skills on a 3-inch-by-3-inch canvas. Participants will need to return their canvas to the library by Feb. 9 for it to be included in the exhibit.

The art will be displayed around the library from Feb. 10 to March 8. More details are available at

Wendell Free Library book group reading ‘The King Must Die’

WENDELL — The January meeting of the Wendell Free Library’s book discussion group is slated for 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 30.

The January book is the 1958 novel “The King Must Die,” by Mary Renault. Copies of this month’s book are available to check out on a special shelf in the “new” section.

New members are welcome to join the book discussion group.

Orange Republican Town Committee plans quarterly meeting

ORANGE — The Orange Republican Town Committee plans to hold its quarterly meeting from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 6, in the downstairs conference room at Wheeler Memorial Library.

The guest speaker will be Aaron Packard, who recently announced his candidacy to unseat U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren in the 2024 election. He represents the Worcester & Middlesex District for the Massachusetts Republican State Committee.

Orange invites proposals for future use of boathouse

ORANGE — The town invites proposals to lease the Orange Community Boathouse for the operation of a kayak and canoe rental concession.

Proposals must be received by the Town of Orange, 6 Prospect St., Orange, MA 01364 by Jan. 30, 2024, at 2 p.m., at which time they will be opened and a registry of proposals will be created.

Proposals should be in two sealed envelopes — one clearly marked RFP Non-Priced Proposal for Lease of Orange Boathouse RFP 02-2023, and the other marked RFP Priced Proposal for Lease of Orange Boathouse RFP 02-2023. Failure to comply with this will result in a rejection of the entire proposal.

Orange reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals in total or in part as it deems to be in the best public interest.