Montague and Erving Notebook: March 11, 2024

Co-owners Ben Anhalt and Dan Kramer of Element Brewing Co. in Millers Falls, pictured with Sara Lark, a member of the Friends of the Greenfield Public Library, in January 2023. The Friends group will host its next Pints for Programs fundraiser at the brewery on Thursday, March 14.

Co-owners Ben Anhalt and Dan Kramer of Element Brewing Co. in Millers Falls, pictured with Sara Lark, a member of the Friends of the Greenfield Public Library, in January 2023. The Friends group will host its next Pints for Programs fundraiser at the brewery on Thursday, March 14. STAFF FILE PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ

Exploded View, a multi-disciplinary arts group, is seeking submissions for a “What’s On Your Plate?” exhibit that will be on display at the Great Falls Discovery Center in Turners Falls in May and June.

Exploded View, a multi-disciplinary arts group, is seeking submissions for a “What’s On Your Plate?” exhibit that will be on display at the Great Falls Discovery Center in Turners Falls in May and June. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO/TRISH CRAPO

Published: 03-11-2024 7:01 AM

March 16: Roast pork supper

MONTAGUE — The First Congregational Church of Montague will host a roast pork supper on Saturday, March 16. Diners can eat in at 5:30 p.m. or pick up takeout orders at 5:45 p.m.

Each meal includes roast pork with gravy, roasted potatoes, green bean casserole, quick breads and apple crisp. The cost is $15 to dine in or $17 for takeout meals.

To make a reservation, call 413-367-2652 by Thursday, March 14.

Pints for Programs fundraiser set for Thursday

MILLERS FALLS — The Friends of the Greenfield Public Library will host its next Pints for Programs fundraiser at Element Brewing Co., 16 Bridge St., on Thursday, March 14, from 6 to 9 p.m.

A portion of all drink sales during the event go directly to the Friends to fund the diverse programs the library offers.

There will also be board games on hand for folks to socialize and play.

Connecticut River Flute Choir set to perform March 17

ERVING — The Connecticut River Flute Choir will perform a concert of Irish songs, ballads and lullabies at the Erving Public Library on Sunday, March 17, at 2 p.m.

Refreshments will be provided. The program is funded in part by the Friends of the Erving Public Library and in part by the Erving Cultural Council. Donations will be accepted.

Judge to visit Erving library

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ERVING — As part of Judicial Outreach Month in Massachusetts, Judge Laurie MacLeod will visit the Erving Public Library on Tuesday, March 19, at 5 p.m. to talk with residents about her work and the importance of an impartial and independent judiciary.

Support group for grandparents meets March 21

TURNERS FALLS — All Franklin County grandparents who are raising their grandchildren are invited to participate in a regular support group offered at The United Arc, 294 Avenue A.

The Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group offers information, mutual support and fellowship through regular meetings, family activities and invitations to workshops. The next meeting is Thursday, March 21, from 10 to 11:30 a.m.

For more information, contact Jan Doody at 413-834-8312 or

‘Planning for Medicare’ seminar set for March 21

ERVING — The Erving Senior & Community Center will host a seminar titled “Planning for Medicare — Countdown to 65” on Thursday, March 21, at 12:30 p.m.

The seminar, led by a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts representative, is designed to help attendees make decisions about health insurance coverage. Topics to be discussed include: an explanation of Medicare Parts A, B and C; the Medicare enrollment timeline; Medigap plans that help supplement Medicare coverage; Medicare Advantage plans; Medicare Part D prescription drug plans; and plans and programs available to early retirees, such as COBRA.

There will be time for audience questions and light refreshments will be served. For more information, call 413-423-3649.

‘Coffee with a Cop’ set for March 26

ERVING — The Erving Senior & Community Center invites residents to “Coffee with a Cop” on Tuesday, March 26, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Attendees can meet Erving’s new officer, Brandon Garvey, as well as Jessica Brooks, a Clinical & Support Options (CSO) mental health clinician who responds to mental health-related calls alongside the police.

Light refreshments will be served. For more information, call 413-423-3649.

Senior Center talk on spring cleaning

ERVING — Professional organizer Kira Coopersmith will offer tips for decluttering, downsizing and organizing a home during a talk at the Erving Senior & Community Center on Tuesday, April 9, at 1 p.m.

Light refreshments will be served. For more information, call 413-423-3649.

Attorney to speak on long-term care planning

ERVING — Attorney Deirdre Gleason will lead a talk on long-term care planning at the Erving Senior & Community Center on Thursday, April 18, at 1 p.m.

Topics to be discussed include: issues impacting individuals with progressive memory impairment; paying for home care, assisted living or skilled nursing care; MassHealth transfers of assets and penalty periods; and effective estate planning documents.

Light refreshments will be served. For more information, call 413-423-3649.

Art sought for ‘What’s On Your Plate?’ exhibit

TURNERS FALLS — Exploded View, a multi-disciplinary arts group, is seeking submissions for a “What’s On Your Plate?” exhibit that will be on display at the Great Falls Discovery Center in May and June. The submission deadline is April 26, at 11:59 p.m.

“What’s On Your Plate?” asks artists to investigate the entanglement of food, time, commitment and ecology by exploring questions such as “How is what we eat related to our personal history and to the climate emergency?” or “What should be on our plate as we think about our planet’s future?” Using plates as a starting point, artists are encouraged to follow these questions in any direction.

A variety of related programming focused on the Great Falls Discovery Center’s year-long theme of food, farms and factories is planned during the two months when the “What’s On Your Plate?” exhibit will be displayed, including “How to Make a Meadow,” “What’s Made in Present-Day Montague,” a downtown foraging walk and an edible plants presentation. Opening and closing receptions for the exhibit will include creative performances by Exploded View.

Artists living within 60 miles of Montague are eligible. Exhibit organizers seek wall art only and submissions must be wired for display. No sawtooth hangers can be used.

Up to three submissions will be considered per artist. Work will be dropped off on Saturday, May 4, from 10 a.m. to noon in advance of an opening reception scheduled for Sunday, May 5, from 2 to 4 p.m. The closing reception will be Saturday, June 29, from 2 to 4 p.m. and artists can pick up their work on Sunday, June 30, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The submission form is available at Artists who are submitting from a Gmail account can upload images of their submissions in the form. Otherwise, artists can fill out the form and then email images directly to