Dan Manka: A sign of character

Lum3n/via Pexels
Published: 05-15-2024 5:15 PM
Modified: 05-15-2024 7:15 PM |
As a speech teacher, I told my students about a boss who was hiring new employees. He deliberately left a book on the floor not far from the door and his desk. He waited to see who would stop to pick up the book. Then he planned to hire that candidate.
In 2017, Donald Trump was about to board the helicopter named “Marine One.” One of the Marines standing at attention had his cover (hat) blown off by the strong wind. According to Marine protocol, the young man did not move. Trump kindly picked up the hat and placed it on the head of the Marine. Once again the wind blew his cover off. Trump attempted to catch it. He bent over again, picked up the hat, and gave it to the Marine.
Often the true character of a person is illustrated by little courtesies like this.
Dan Manka
Fairmont, West Virginia
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