David Parrella: Immigrants do not equal criminals

A woman carries her child after she crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico on Sept. 23 in Eagle Pass, Texas. AP FILE PHOTO/ERIC GAY
Published: 03-18-2024 4:34 PM
Modified: 03-18-2024 8:13 PM |
In a March 15 opinion, a writer wrote that, “We currently have 11 million illegal immigrants as well as our own criminals in our country” [My Turn, “Much to fear from rampant immigration”]. This promotes the fiction that all immigrants are criminals, including the lady who serves you from the food truck, the maid who cleans your motel room, or the boy who harvests your produce.
The author is well-intentioned when she calls for immigration reform, which is needed. But continuing the myth that all who come here from somewhere else should be feared is wrong. With the exception of Native Americans, are we not all the descendants of immigrants, legal or otherwise?
David Parrella
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