Greenfield Recreation Department Notebook: June 3, 2023
Published: 06-02-2023 5:00 PM |
Summer Camp: Camp registrations are open, and there is space available for each age group. Visit for details.
Green Riving Swimming and Recreation Area Now Open: Beginning on Saturday, June 3, the swimming area will be open on weekends only. Starting on June 17, it will be open seven days a week.
Community Safety Day: Sunday, June 4, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Greenfield Middle School field. This free event features a bike rodeo, free helmets, police and fire demonstrations, public health information and more.
Pet Safety Class: Sunday, June 4, from 1:30 to 6:30 p.m. For ages 14 and up at the Youth Center/Recreation Department, 20 Sanderson St. A pet is part of the family and just like any other family member, pets can become ill or injured. It is important to know what to do when pets first become injured before being taken to the veterinarian. There is no 911 service for pets and after-hours emergency vet clinics may be miles from home. Learn CPR techniques, first aid skills, health care and wellness information for dogs and cats. Includes a certification card and handbook. $110 for residents; $120 for non-residents.
Babysitter Certification: Monday, June 5 and Tuesday, June 6, 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Youth Center/Recreation Department. This course will teach participants what parents expect in a babysitter and give them the confidence to handle any babysitting situation. Recommended for those interested in a position as a camp counselor. Participants must attend both days for certification. $50 for residents; $60 for non-residents.
Home Alone Safety: Wednesday, June 7, or Thursday, June 8, from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Youth Center/Recreation Department. Is your child ready to stay home alone? Help them prepare for independence with this Home Alone Safety Course. Taught by a member of the Greenfield Police Department, this free program prepares kids ages 9 to 12 for situations that can happen when staying home alone, from unexpected knocks on the door to making 911 emergency phone calls and everything in between. Parents are encouraged to attend. Two sessions offered.
“Twelfth Night” by the Greenfield Players: June 9 at 6 p.m., June 10 at 7 p.m., June 11 at 2 p.m., June 17 at 1 and 6 p.m., and June 18 at 2 p.m. All performances will take place at Energy Park.
Franklin County Pride: Saturday, June 10. Parade at noon beginning at Federal and Sanderson streets and ending at Energy Park. Followed by a rally at Energy Park from 12:45 to 3:30 p.m. Enjoy musical performances, speeches, food trucks and more than 25 vendors tabling.
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Triathlon Training: Sundays, June 11 to July 30 (no session July 2) from 7:45 to 10 a.m. at the Green River Swimming and Recreation Area. For ages 15 and up. This triathlon is for beginner, novice and intermediate tri-athletes. Instructors will explain how to be a successful tri-athlete, go through the Greenfield course and demonstrate helpful training techniques. Those wishing to take part in this training must be active participants in the triathlon. Come prepared with equipment and ready to workout. $45 for both residents and non-residents.
Learn to Play Pickleball: Monday, June 12, 6 to 7 p.m. at Green River Park. This is a free program for ages 6 and up, but advance registration is required. This one-day clinic will provide an introduction to the rules and gameplay of this widely accessible sport. Equipment will be available.
“Lyle, Lyle Crocodile” Movies in the Park: Friday, June 16, at Beacon Field. Enjoy a film outdoors on the big screen with family and friends. Movies begin at dusk, around 9 p.m. Attendees are welcome to pack a picnic or bring a blanket. Movies in the Park is sponsored by Franklin First Federal Credit Union.
Skate Park Grand Opening: Wednesday, June 21, from 4 to 7 p.m. There will be food trucks, music and more.
Learn to Play Golf: Wednesday, June 21, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Green River Swimming and Recreation Area. For ages 6 to 11. Learn the basic fundamentals, from course etiquette to stance, to swing, to putting. Clubs are available for this free program or bring your own.
REC the NIGHT Gaga Ball Tournament: Friday, June 23, 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Green River Swimming and Recreation Area. There will be multiple rounds to determine who the champion is.
Start Smart Soccer: Tuesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. from June 27 to Aug. 8 (no session on July 4). Start Smart Soccer teaches children the basic skills necessary to play organized soccer while spending time with their parents. Participants will learn kicking, dribbling, trapping, throw-ins and running skills without the pressure of a highly competitive environment. All participants will leave the program with their own soccer kit. Parents/guardians must be present to practice with their children. $50 for residents; $60 for non-residents.