Columnist Judy Wagner: Clearing democracy’s decks for plundering




Published: 03-25-2025 8:01 AM

Oh, days of uncertainty! By nature, March leaves us in doubt. To look at the landscape is to see uncertainty and confusion. Is the grass greening or is it my willful imagination? Will it stay warmer or will we be blanketed in snow again? Are the tree buds swelling or staying firmly, tightly, safely wrapped?

The excitement of noticing the first tulip tips above ground is stirring, but will they be singed by frost? Are the divots in the soil from moles, voles, chippies or some other creature? What, oh what, is happening deeper in the soil? Is it still hard or are the largely unseen organisms responsible for so many earthly functions beginning to revive? What can’t we see what may have a profound effect on our lives?

The national political scene is just as confusing, with many unseen components. Here is a model for consideration. There are at least five intersecting circles of activity at work, many of them hard to see, that account for the apparent chaos. Most visible, of course, is our president — front and center, loud and charismatic.

He operates from an ego-driven power trip, with personal financial gain as a side advantage. His seemingly erratic behavior — on-again, off-again policies and pronouncements — is partly caused by his changeable perception of what will benefit him the most; but it is also influenced by the other spheres operating around him. Most visible is his unofficial co-president, Elon Musk, uncharismatic billionaire, enabler and destroyer, full of monumental entitlement.

Here the motivation, shared by the rest of the less-bold tech sphere, is completely unfettered power to make money without restraint as they bind up our lives in apps and online rabbit holes. Here resides much of the American oligarchy.

Generally less visible, with a few charismatic exceptions, is the third circle — the passionate ideologues acting as spokespeople, enablers, managers and cheerleaders for the whole operation. Their goal? Power and influence, to achieve their avowed goals — a white, male, “Christian” patriarchy holding the power and money.

Many of their specific aims around trade, health, education and immigration, for instance, can conflict, adding to the sense of confusion. Some other groups, feeding off the situation like fleas, ranging from lawyers to would-be militia members, play supporting roles.

Off to the side playing the background theme music is Congress. The Republicans are in thrall to the fear and potential power of it all, in a trance of obeisance. The Democrats, with a few exceptions like our own delegation, are playing the Greek chorus repeating “woe is me” at intervals.

Finally, behind it all, largely hidden until recently, is Vladimir Putin, deftly pulling the strings to gain unrestrained international domination. His role has recently become clearer and we can more easily connect the dots between interference in the 2016 election, repeated efforts to groom, coach and manage the president and his enablers, and the invasions of Crimea and Ukraine.

Recent pronouncements about “peace negotiations” leave no doubt about the bald intent to subjugate not just Ukraine, but the rest of Europe by destroying NATO.

These intersecting circles of actors have many things in common. All are: anti-democratic; disdainful of the Constitution; misogynistic (hate women); scapegoaters; comfortable with blood on their hands; intentional dividers to reduce opposition or organized resistance; driven by an insatiable desire for domination; believers that some people, especially white men, are superior to others and should be in charge; choose destruction as the fastest route to their desires.

These circles of actors are jostling for a place in the demolition of our democracy, and their sometimes conflicting priorities and interests add to the apparent confusion.

What could possibly be the purpose of all this destruction? The president gave us the answer in his callous, cruel and cavalier approach to Gaza. The plan is to plunder the ruins. Once flattened and cleared away, the place is ripe for “development” — the very thing our president prides himself on.

There are millions of Americans, however, not willing to plow under our Constitution and democracy. March is signaling uncertainty; yet good farmers know it is nevertheless time to prepare. Spring comes on its official date but the realists understand we could have capricious weather for a while. Nevertheless, we sow.

Judy Wagner lives in Northfield.