Mattea Kramer: Small actions are powerful

Published: 02-11-2025 7:55 PM

So many of us feel an urgent need to do something right now, even as we simultaneously feel powerless. In fact, there are things we can do — many powerful things. Culturally, we tend to value big, grand actions, but small acts add up in ways we cannot know.

Make eye contact with a person living on the street, witnessing their humanity. Listen — really listen, with respect — when others are speaking. Pick up trash. Hold the door and let others go ahead of you in line. When you interact with a cashier or receptionist or health care provider or really anyone, take a moment to imagine what their life is like.

If you have a loved one who is struggling with a mental health issue, including substance use, let them know you care about them (even if you think they know, tell them, and tell them again). Reach out to old friends. Reach out to new friends. Ask for help, thereby giving others the chance to feel needed. Rest, laugh, and consider starting a new creative project.

Imagine some ways that you would love to be involved in the world. And take good care of yourself so that you are healthy, with your mind open, when a great opportunity to serve lands squarely in your lap.

Mattea Kramer
